Seacrown&Sunspring与我们的合作伙伴ServoMED于2022年6月5日至7日在阿尔马纳拉国际会议中心(Almanara International Conference Center)携seacrown的全部产品组合在非洲健康博览会(Africa Health ExCon)上首次亮相。
七月是一个充满激情的月份。 为增强团队的凝聚力和向心力,丰富员工的文化生活,Seacrown与姊妹公司Sunspring共同组织了以“信好遇见你,携手普华章”为主题的团建活动,希望大家能够积极融入公司的大家庭。
In the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic, with the theme of "Innovative Technology, Smart Future", CMEF 2021 Spring (84th China International Medical Equipment Fair) had been grandly opened in Shanghai, which provides a broader platform to help China's medical industry enter the world market.
Welcome you to visit our booth at CMEF from 13-16th, 2021. We look forward to meeting you at CMEF in Shanghai. At a time when the COVID-19 epidemic is still severe abroad, while in China it has been completely contained. Welcome to safe China and welcome to our booth!
Happy outdoor activities
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